Category Archives: Critical Thinking, Reason, & Skepticism

Three Suicides

It was my mother in laws birthday. She took her own life just a few weeks before my wife was set to move to the states with me. And it reminded me of another, much older event.

When I was 15 years old I made a phone call. The summer had come and gone, and my loyal and trusted friend, Vernon King, had not yet returned. He had gone off to camp for the summer, and should have been home weeks earlier. I’d yet to hear from him. School was about to start. Still no word, I called his mom to check up. His sister answered. She was older and had already graduated.

“Is Vernon there”, I asked.

“Vernon’s dead”, she said.

Shamefully, idiotically, I did not believe her. In anger, I hung up.

She called back sometime later, and explained.

This was more than 34 years ago. I don’t remember my words, but I don’t believe I cried. Some days later I remember struggling to carry his coffin. The other pallbearers, all shorter, had me holding one corner of the casket higher than the rest. The dead are heavy.

We laid the coffin to rest, and his extensive family, filled with aunts and grandmothers, began screaming, wailing, and clawing at the open grave. I chose that moment to wander off. Up a hill at the center of the cemetery, I found an office where I called my father for a ride home.

Weeks past. I went back to school. I found myself on the receiving end of a lot of people’s sympathy. I still felt numb, and at no point did I cry. As I watched the reactions of others I began to question myself. Why wasn’t I responding that way?

One evening, after more time had passed, I was busy in my room ignoring whatever it was my father had asked me to do. Mad at my indifference, or the fact that I was probably smarting off (I don’t remember which), he came barging in. Angry, I lashed out, yelling something stupid and insulting. I remember him looking at me from the doorway, first with impatience, and then with something else. I was frozen motionless, sitting on the bed.

He sat down next to me, and hugged me. And at that moment I broke down. I cried for a long time.

I haven’t seen anywhere near the amount of death some have. But I’ve seen enough to know that people react differently to it. For me, there is no rational space for judgment when it comes to the variety of ways human beings grieve. Death is one of the ultimate shocks.

Last month I sat at one of my favorite outdoor restaurants in Portland. It was a beautiful, warm day. Summer had shown its face. It was also my deceased mother in law’s birthday. I met her once, when visiting my wife to be, Salome, in Iceland. I liked her. A few months later, just weeks before Salome’s ticketed date for arrival in the United States, she took her own life.

I was an intimate observer as to the effect that decision had on the woman I love. I know that like Vernon, that day he set about walking the Golden Gate bridge, looking for his spot to jump – rationality had nothing to do with it. But that knowledge doesn’t change the consequences of the action.

It’s misleading to say brain chemistry is a powerful thing. It’s closer to say brain chemistry is perhaps the most powerful thing. Brain chemistry can bring the strongest man to his knees in an instant. It can render anyone out of control. And even for those who hold onto a world view where individual free-will remains a thing, one solid dose of hallucinogenic helps elucidate the absolute power brain chemistry and its associated functions have, on the world we see ourselves inhabiting.

Over the last decade, as her mother’s birthdays have arrived, we’ve tried to turn them into something better. Salome’s sought to use those days as a time to celebrate her mother’s life, and to let our daughters in on a little bit of the goodness that her mother surely owned. That was our goal on this last birthday, as we sat outside at one of our favorite people watching restaurants, with our youngest daughter, Una. We were hoping to let a little darkness out, and bring a little light in, all the while making new, good, happy memories for our four year old.

As we sat there, seeing the sights, I noticed someone walking frantically across the street. This someone was in fact, my oldest friend. I’ve known him for decades. He was a best man at my wedding. He was the first person to ever give me a hallucinogenic. He is a good man. It took a fraction of a second more to realize he was in distress. Moving rapidly, he stopped directly across from us. After a heated conversation with someone else, he turned and looked in our direction. He began jay walking across the very busy four-lane road, demanding cars stop for him with the use of a defiant outstretched arm, as some do when they are either unbalanced, stupid, or have just been in an accident.

On most days I would have rushed across the street to greet him. On most days I would have engaged him. But that day was my wife’s mother’s birthday. That day I was with my 4 year old. That day I was trying to keep it all okay. That day I watched.

He reached the sidewalk on our side, just a few feet from where we sat, but he didn’t see us. He turned and began walking away. Out of instinct and concern, my wife called out his name.

My old friend, now realizing we were there, walked back and stood next to our table. No words left his mouth, no “hi”, no pleasant exchanges. It took me longer than it should have to realize he was in shock.

“Sit down”, I said. “Tell me what’s going on.”

I’ve known the man for a very long time, but I’ve never seen him look the way he did in that moment.

“I just found her”, he said.

He began to explain how, just a couple hours before, he discovered his girlfriend, the love of his life, the woman he had planned to propose to, dead, in the house they shared. She had taken her own life. He found her hanging. He cut her down. He called 911. He attempted CPR. But she had been dead for too long.

I had nothing to offer. No words came to me. As I was searching for something, anything to say, he stood up and left with the person he’d been in conversation with across the street. “I have to go get my things”, he said.

What are the odds? His girlfriend’s manner of death that morning wasn’t similar to my mother in laws. It was identical. I know that what some call synchronicity is more often than not one form or another of selection bias. We are pattern-seeking mammals. And I too find myself tuning out, and throwing up in my mouth, every time someone spouts the ever trite – everything happens for a reason. Tell that to the parents of a child dying of cancer, I think, as I immediately attempt to remove myself from said person’s range of communication. But, of all the days to run into my friend, that one, of all the places to run into my friend, that one, of all the ways people die – that one?

As he walked away, I turned my attention to my wife.

The statistical rarity of the event provided a buffer for Salome, who is every bit the skeptic and realist that I am. How could she, like me, not wonder, at least for a moment, at the coincidence of events? I watched her mind turn from her own loss, to our friends, whom she’d also known since she had moved to Portland ten years previously.

It’s been almost two months now, and I talk to my friend frequently, always through text, never in person. His choice. He says he’s embarrassed to see anyone who knows him. He blames himself for her death. Her family, her children, blame him too. He was in the house when it happened. In another room, ignoring her after an argument.

There is of course the suicide of those terminally ill; people in pain, slowly dying, people who choose their own time. It’s impossible to judge someone like that, if you’ve seen what a disease can do. But there is also the suicide of Vernon, of my friend’s girlfriend, and of my mother in law. That kind of suicide is never rational. That kind of suicide is always insane. I tell myself that no one able to see past a temporary moment would choose a permanent conclusion; that no one capable of seeing the pain suicide creates in those still living, would ‘choose’ to end their own life. Yet it happens.

Heartache. Irrational thought. Confusion. Depression. Mental illness. Brain chemistry. We can describe the symptom or we can describe the cause, but what we cannot do is blame someone else for the kind of suicide Vernon chose.

Human beings find uncertainty uncomfortable. X caused Y, brings comfort. Y happens and we don’t know why, anxiety. But we must resist the urge to judge those still living for the actions of those now dead. Because something is comforting doesn’t mean it is correct. And there is no time where we are more apt to draw inaccurate conclusions, and engage in hurtful, unproductive behavior, than when we are angry and in pain – no time.

There’s been more suicide recently – some unmentioned in this essay. More death. More blame. I’ve been disappointed by the blame. I too am far too quick to judge. It’s a habit I previously did mindlessly, habitually, and without much self-awareness. It’s a habit I’ve fought against by taking the path recommended by Marcus Aurelius. Be lenient with others and strict with yourself, he said. Easier said than done, so I remind myself daily. I have to.

There are still places where judgment is essential. When people continue to display the same abusive behaviors, those behaviors, brain chemistry driven or not, and in the end it’s all brain chemistry driven, become something we call ‘character’ – and only a degenerate or a fool allows people with low moral character around themselves, or those they love. Add to that the dangerous, the abusive, those who demean or emotionally target the weak, those who exploit children, those without shame and therefore without dignity, and the kind of parents who tear down rather than build up their own offspring – and there is still plenty for me to keep away from those I am charged with protecting. But suicide – with all the pain it inflicts on those still alive, suicide, in almost every case, is something we can only blame on those who perform it. And even then, we find ourselves left denouncing only the dead. In time we realize that the dead too, were not in right mind when they ‘choose’ death – and then, who is left to condemn?

I have no solution. I hug my children everyday. I hold my wife. I call and write my close friends. I want them to know I am here. I want them to know they can talk to me. But that’s all I’ve got. Because suicide happens, and blame after the fact just isn’t rational. We need to love and help the living. It’s all any of us have.

It’s Aliveness – Still


Twenty-five years ago I started talking about Aliveness. Five years later I filmed a set of videos explaining Aliveness. And as much as I’d like to move on to different topics, I’ve been reminded all too often over the last two decades that it’s still about – Aliveness.

Recently some baffled Jiu-Jitsu students sent me a video.

I invite you to watch it in its entirety before reading the rest of this essay below.

Note: within a few hours of this essay being published, the video in question was removed. However, this one features the same Instructor. 

The athletes who sent me this weren’t perplexed by the absurdity of the demonstration – Martial Arts make believe has been around as long as Martial Arts have. This kind of stuff is easy to find. No, what had these guys confused, were a few, well known, well-respected Martial Artists, who were endorsing the guy you see demonstrating in this video, a “Systema” instructor named Martin Wheeler.

Systema, which means, “the system”, is a current fad in Martial Arts woo-woo. It has all the flash needed to attract magic bullet seekers, levers, pressure points, and the kind of back-story that nourishes wish thinking – in Systema’s case, secret methods developed by Russian Special Forces “Spetsnaz”. If you add in some tactical pants and a little bit of new age quackery, you have everything you need to capitalize on the credulous.

None of this is remotely surprising. What seemed surprising to some, is who we now see endorsing it.

To begin with, we have Dan Inosanto, who is training with Martin Wheeler.

There are three common reactions I’ve heard when people see a man like Dan Inosanto, endorsing a method like Systema.

The first is that Dan must be onto something. The second is both the most common, as well as the most cynical option I’ve run into – that it’s all about money. And the third is that anyone who falls for this sort of thing just can’t be that bright. If what we are after is the truth, we must hold open the possibility that any of those options, and maybe a few we haven’t thought of yet, might be accurate.

I’ll address each.

Do I think Martin Wheeler, in the footage we see above of Systema on the ground, might be onto something functional for hand-to-hand combat?

No, of course not.

That no, is based on more than the self-evident bullshit we witness in that video. Always remember that fighting, and by extension, fighting methods/training epistemologies, are empirically testable things. Any competent blue belt who wasn’t a cooperating stooge, but instead acting as the one thing every functional system needs as a correcting mechanism – a resisting opponent – would prove, repeatedly, that what you’re witnessing in the video above was little more than delusion made physical. And repeated experiments of many different sorts could verify these conclusions.

You don’t have to beat up someone to prove something doesn’t work. If a boxer knocks out a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu practicioner, does that mean Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is nonsense? Of course not, a sample of one says little, and different delivery systems have different areas of expertise. However, those areas of claimed proficiency can be tested, and those tests can be repeated, safely, humanely, and without anyone getting seriously hurt (beyond perhaps, their pride).

So if we settle on the fact that we are looking at the Martial Arts equivalent of Scientology, then it must just be about the money, right? Why else would a man like Dan Inosanto, who trained with Bruce Lee, studied boxing and Muay Thai, and has a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu through the Machados (Rigan Machado has also given an endorsement to Wheeler), recommend this sort of thing?

While always possible, I find this view way too cynical, and like most knee-jerk cynicism, also a bit naive. I don’t think Dan Inosanto is taking lessons with the man because he’s making money endorsing him. If anything, the money is likely flowing the other way. People paid L. Ron Hubbard for the secrets to the universe, he didn’t pay them.

Which leaves us with what seems to be the obvious, final option – people who buy into this sort of Martial Arts superstition, like people who spend tens of thousands on Scientology, must be a bit dim. But that proposition, that superstition requires stupidity, is little more than faulty logic.

I don’t think Mitt Romney is stupid. In fact, I think he’s an extremely intelligent man. However, as a Mormon (and we have every reason to believe he’s sincere in his faith), Mitt Romney also believes in a creator God who lives on a planet (or near a star) named Kolob.

Uri Geller was very obviously, a shitty con man and magician. Yet he had physicists, research institutes, and heads of state believing he had “psychic powers”. That is, until he was exposed by the people qualified to expose him, other magicians (the Amazing Randi), on the Johnny Carson show.

Is it so hard to think that someone could have years of experience with functional Martial Arts, and still be taken in by some well-spoken huckster who uses the Martial Arts equivalent of carnival tricks?

One of the reasons I continue to talk about Aliveness is because you don’t have to be dumb to fall for Martial Arts delusion; you just have to have one or more of the two following afflictions – a lack of understanding as to what Aliveness actually is, and or, a desire to believe. The first I can help fix. The second I cannot.

Some people really want a magic bullet. Like a combination of Don Quixote and Ponce de Leon, they engage in a quixotic pursuit that by its very nature ensures them endless adventures in the art of imaginary dragon battling.

The creation of a magic bullet is also, pretty simple. Simple enough for any L Ron Hubbard type to whip a new one up every few years or so. Does it look a lot like what we know works, you know boxing, wrestling, Judo, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, MMA? Because if it does, it wont attract the magic bullet seekers. It has to look different. It has to look like a part of the map that was some how hidden when Google earth set about cataloging the ground the fountain of youth was said to rest on. This is why, inevitably, whether it’s Aikido, Pentjak Silat, or Systema, it only works when the demonstration dummy pretends to attack, using movement that is less reminiscent of a Mixed Martial Arts athlete, and more reminiscent of a baby deer perpetually tripping over itself as it takes its first steps. Blend in a few old tropes about using your enemies force against them, the motion of waves, misunderstood physics, internal energy, and above all else a little new age pseudo-philosophy that’s never any less obfuscated than your usual bigfoot photo, and you have everything you need to waste an athletes time.

I once listened to a lecture given by a mentalist. A mentalist is a type of magician that specializes in appearing “psychic”. The good ones can be impressive. The bad ones look a lot like Uri Geller. But the difference between an ethical one and an asshole is simple. The ethical ones let you know it’s a trick – they don’t pretend to actually be psychic. It’s in the pretending, the lying, that the immorality of the whole thing creeps in.

He began the talk by doing an impressive demonstration of mind reading on some audience members. Once he had a few folks wondering whether he actually had some paranormal powers, he revealed his trick; a beautiful public service, helping the more gullible in the group gain some tools for better critical thinking.

The more interesting part for me, was when he made a point of explaining that the method he revealed, the way he taught the audience to perform the trick (or con, depending on the integrity of the performer), was only one of many-many ways. But, he would only ever show the audience – one way. That, he explained, was very important to remember. Why? Because if he showed three methods of performing this “psychic feat”, members of the audience might think they actually know all the ways the trick could be done. Should they run across a performer who uses a 4th way, a way they hadn’t yet been taught, they might be arrogant enough to believe that actor must actually have magical powers. After all, they know how to fake it, and none of those methods were used.

There are some profound lessons there. Lessons all of us need to remember. If you want to be believe you can always be fooled. If you want a magic bullet there will always be someone who will sell you one. And if you’re arrogant enough to believe that your failure of imagination is an insight into necessity – then you too may end up falling for the absurd. Hubris and nescience frequently come as a team.

When people find themselves duped by the kind of fantasy based Martial Arts we see on display in the Systema video, I don’t assume they’re greedy, or stupid. I assume I haven’t done my job well enough yet. I haven’t explained Aliveness clearly enough yet. And I try again.

Aliveness is Timing – Energy – Motion.

It takes all three, timing, energy, and motion, for a drill to be Alive.

Remember that – all three.

There was a comment on a thread where this video was being discussed that said:

“If it is always slow motion it’s sad. If it’s fast and chaotic, it’s okay”

That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of Aliveness. Similar to when I hear some Instructors say “Aliveness is just sparring” – I know they still don’t get it.

My response was:

It’s not about the speed of the movement. It’s about the Alive opponent. Bullshit sped up, is still bullshit.

Anyone whose ever had a slow roll in BJJ, knows that training Alive, and training hard and or fast, are not necessarily synonymous. Again, it’s timing, energy, and motion.

A choreographed assault followed by a planned fall, such as you see in Aikido, lacks timing, energy and motion. The assault is predictable. A realistic energy, as in a resistance, is non-existent, and the movement is, like the rest, contrived. Aikido is the art of make believe – which is why, while it promises to deliver on the kinds of things proper Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training can give you, leverage to overcome strength, technique to overcome power, timing to overcome speed – it can never deliver on those promises. It can only pretend to – thereby ensuring they are never achieved.

Kali/Escrima is also filled with dead patterns. The choreographed and memorized two-partner dance eliminates timing. The energy is often contrived, with the attacker stopping his swing mid-stroke to accommodate his partner, and the movement, the footwork, that too is often silly.

When I began JKD training in the very early 90’s, the Martial Arts woo-woo that was all the rage was Pentjak Silat. Lauded by Dan Inosanto as one of the worlds most “dangerous” arts, magic-bullet-seekers everywhere began wearing sarongs and practicing katas (in Silat katas are called “djurus”) that made the most rigid of karate forms seems realistic by comparison. While the mentally and physically stronger students gravitated towards the recently introduced art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, and later, its offshoot, Mixed Martial Arts – the more frail and gullible members of the JKD world (in other words the ones who needed Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and MMA the most), were still wasting time clicking sticks together and practicing Djurus in the mirror.

All these arts have something essential to their operation in common. They require cooperating dummies to work. And cooperating dummies are always, by definition, missing at least one of three qualities – timing, energy (resistance), or motion.

Pentjak Silat operated on the simplest of Fantasy Based platforms – the step forward lunge punch and freeze system. Make a fist, lunge forward, freeze in place, and then let the defender do some snappy looking strike followed by some neat little foot sweep. And if you’re really going all out, add in a pretend joint break and angry face at the end, just for good measure.

Dan Inosanto came to my school many years ago. One of my friends, John Daniels, hosted a seminar for him, and I allowed John to use my facility. I like Dan, I always have. But when it comes to Martial Arts, my allegiance has been, and always will be, to the truth. This isn’t about criticizing people, this is about improving methods. Those taken in by bullshit Martial Arts tend to be the ones who need functional Martial Arts the most. If we want to help those people, we have to be honest.

When Dan came to teach the seminar, I had one very large sign placed on the wall behind where he demonstrated. It said simply:

Watch the feeder, not the demonstrator.”

Sometimes that’s enough.

Systema ‘appears’ at first glance anyway, to have taken out the dead pattern. Part of its shtick, is that it’s “spontaneous”. But remember, you need all three qualities for something to be Alive – timing, energy, and motion. Dancing can have spontaneous timing and motion, but it isn’t fighting. The energy/resistance of a credible attack, isn’t there. And that’s part of why what you see in the Systema video above is nonsense. Does anyone really believe that if Chris Haueter was asked to grab Martin Wheeler, or attempt to hold him down, he’d stumble over himself and fall the way Martin’s partner does in that video?

Please don’t get me wrong the reason Chris would avoid tripping over himself like that is not because he’s so good at Jiu-Jitsu, though that’s certainly true – he wouldn’t be tripping over himself like that because he has too much integrity.

So what’s the harm, folks say. Doesn’t something like Systema at least get people exercising, moving, what’s wrong with that? And yes, if the only option in life were a binary choice of couch potato slothdom – or movement, then they’d have a point. But life doesn’t work that way. Life is short. Time is precious. And truth always matters.

So why do I care? I care because at their worst, fantasy based Martial Arts like Systema are dangerous. And at their best fantasy based Martial Arts like Systema are impoverishing. Dangerous because they pretend to teach people how to deal with things like guns, knives, and violent attackers. And impoverishing because they waste peoples time giving them make believe answers where proven solutions exist.

Who are they most dangerous and most impoverishing for? Those who need help the most – the weak. I’m not worried that the Jocko Willinks of the world will be taken in by Martin Wheeler’s Systema secrets. But that chubby guy who keeps falling over himself as he haplessly pretends to get a grip on Wheeler, he will be.

And that’s why the message is Aliveness – still.